I am eager to explore with you, those moments that appear out of no where. Waiting to be seen and viewed in the lens. They catch your eye by silently calling to you and I just so happen to be walking by and I hear the call.
Many times, I swear, I could get lost for hours. Just playing in the light and hoping I will catch that moment perfectly. It is such a privilege to experience such moments, yet knowing that they will never be captured again. I was able to capture such moments and keep them timeless.
I am a private person learning to break down my walls and let the world see me and more importantly how I see the world. There is always an amazing moment waiting to be seen at your life’s intersections.
Be open and be willing to listen for that call. It is faint, but so eager to be noticed, and appreciated by you! Search for the joy, peace and serenity amongst all the chaos and surrender to abundant being you are.